Director Message

Director Message
Welcome to Ankush Anuj Foundation
This is a “Twelve Step Program” (NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS). This program of twelve step and (NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS) we help to develop the personality of these people with “Love, care and Concern”. We help to break the dependency of any drug addict of drugs though counselling as we have professional counsellor in our faculty and trained staff who have these skills within them. So that a drug using addict can break his/her dependency of drugs and we tend to do this through counselling and NA program, which includes 12 Step, Input and Personal one to one counselling through the counsellor.
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Proin a lacus arcu. Nullam id dui eu orci maximus. Cras at auctor lectus, pretium tellus.
Duis rhoncus orci utedn metus rhoncus, non is dictum purus bibendum. Suspendisse id orci sit amet justo interdum hendrerit sagittis.

Christine Eve
Founder & CEO
Duis rhoncus orci utedn metus rhoncus, non is dictum purus bibendum. Suspendisse id orci sit amet justo interdum hendrerit sagittis.

Kevin Smith
Duis rhoncus orci utedn metus rhoncus, non is dictum purus bibendum. Suspendisse id orci sit amet justo interdum hendrerit sagittis.

Jessica Brown
Founder & CEO